
Partner Event Submission

Participate in Blue Star Welcome Week by hosting an event! Create a special event for the week or register regularly scheduled events in order to include military families in your invitation to participate.

Events should be scheduled September 21st — 29th, 2024, and be offered free of charge to military families.

Ready to join us to ensure military families feel welcome in YOUR community?

Complete the following registration form and a member of our team will be in touch.

Blue Star Welcome Week
Event Ideas

If you are a community organization…

  • Host a community dinner for military families
  • Organize a park meet-up
  • Invite families to participate in park/beach clean-ups
  • Orchestrate a walking tour of the city

If you are a library…

  • Invite families to your weekly story hour for kids
  • Host a library open house for military families

If you are a school…

  • Invite military families to a special open house/dinner
  • Host an appreciation/recognition breakfast for military kids

If you are a local business…

  • Offer a discount day for military families
  • Host a fundraiser day (% of proceeds on a given day go to Blue Star Families and supporting military families)
  • Host a hiring event for military spouses