Get Involved


Military-connected families need our support!

We've included some ways you can get involved and connected with your local military community. You can be an important part of raising awareness and helping to welcome military and Veteran families during Welcome Week and all year long.

Business & Restaurant

Support from local businesses and restaurants helps military families feel welcomed and included. These entities are a main source of community engagement, connection, stability, and exploration. In addition, military members feed into the local economy, benefiting businesses in the area.

Civilian Supporter

Military families need the support of their civilian neighbors and to know they care. From posting a message of welcome on your neighborhood message board to hosting a block party, no gesture is too small when it comes to helping military families feel they belong.

Community Organization

Through participation in Blue Star Welcome Week, you will help military families feel connected in the communities where they live and serve through encouraging military families to shop at local businesses, participate in community events, and connect with community members.


As a community hub, libraries have an amazing potential to get involved! Libraries act as central locations for community building, engagement, inspiration, and knowledge — welcoming places for newcomers, like military families, who are looking to connect with opportunities and resources

Local Government

Show military families you value their contributions to your community by issuing a proclamation or hosting an event to welcome them. Military families live in every zip code across the country and are looking to be involved citizens of their communities.

Partner Organization

Be a part of Blue Star Welcome Week by hosting a gathering, providing a discount, or organizing a hiring event for military spouses and Veterans. Those are just a few of many opportunities to get creative in welcoming military families to your community!


Schools are a main source of community engagement, connection, stability, and exploration. As a result, schools present a great opportunity for military-connected families and individuals to get involved with the community around them and create stable connections of inclusivity.